Kamila Magálová
Nhung Nguyen Thi Hong, Metodova High School, Bratislava, Slovakia
Svetozár Ružička, Bilíkova High School, Bratislava, Slovakia

"In the TIME FOR WORDS Challenge I got a chance to interview five famous and successful Slovak actors and celebrities. It was the most mind-opening experience I have experienced in all the 19 years of my life. Let me tell you something from what I learned:
Kamila Magálová, the famous Slovak theatre and movie actress, reminded me of myself in an incredible way. Her views and thoughts were almost identical to mine, almost as if she was a mature version of myself. Her life values are love, goodness, but also humility, humanity and tolerance. Some of the tips she told us are, that it is good to be active in life, live to the fullest and try as many things as we can. To know how to plan things is a great skill and so is learning to master your body language. We should be more open and honest with each other, and talk more about our deep thoughts and feelings. And when you have a problem, always get some distance from it, a better perspective. Sleep it out and start solving it with your mind cold."
Svetozár Ružička
Gymnázium Bilíkova
Bratislava, Slovakia

"Kamila Magálová is a lovely, wise and dedicated woman. Before meeting her I did not know much about her and her work. But while I was interviewing her, together with Svetozár, I was fascinated by her dedication to acting. She opened up to us about her life and acting experiences and gave us some tips on them as well. She revealed to us how she prepares for some of her roles and additionally gave us advice on how to calm ourselves when we are nervous. I felt very comfortable around her and I am deeply thankful to have met her."
Nhung Nguyen Thi Hong
Gymnázium Metodova
Bratislava, Slovakia